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making the

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There’s a transitional period when you are switching your pet’s diet from one to another. We recommend a gradual transition so your furry companion has time to adapt and adjust, and it’ll reduce the risk of upsetting their stomach. We suggest to mix 25% of the new diet gradually into the current diet to ensure a smooth transition

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rotational diet

Rotational diet is good for your pet in many ways.

This feeding method imitates the eating habits of the ancestors of dogs and cats, which is good for gastrointestinal health, and offers them a variety of flavours and nutrients. Rotational diet can be done daily / weekly or by the bag. We recommend mixing different charm formulas as you like.

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How to store

After each use, close the zipper-lock seals on the CHARM bags and press the bags lightly to squeeze the air out. Store the food in a cool and dry environment. It is best to store the bag off the floor to reduce potential infestation.

What do you do after you have bought a bag of CHARM?


Store CHARM pet foods in its original bag with the zip lock tightly sealed. It is best kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


For best flavor and performance, consume within 30 days of opening the bag. We recommend feeding CHARM pet food within 6 weeks of opening.


In high humidity areas, we suggest storing it in the fridge.

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Clean water

Keeping your pets hydrated is very important. It’s encouraged to always keep clean and fresh water available.

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need help?

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Do read our FAQS or contact us!

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